Guidelines for IT City
- To be developed on DBFOT – PPP model across the state
- Selection of Private Sector Participation through transparent competitive bidding
- Only IT companies shall be allowed to participate in the bidding
- To be developed in 100 to 500 acres of Land
- To be awarded for a concession period of 99 years
- Allowable ratio of Core to Non-Core area – 60:40
- 100% additional FSI on allowable FSI
- Sub-leasing of Core (partial) and Non – Core Area (full) shall be allowed
- GoUP shall provide the Trunk infrastructure till the battery limit of the Project Site
- Single Window Clearance through Project Implementing Unit
- A Skill Development Centre (SDC) to impart hard and soft skills
- The Project shall be eligible for incentives under U.P. IT Policy 2012 U.P.
- GoUP may provide extra incentives
- Project may avail the SEZ benefits subject to approval of Government of India

IT City Features
Two well defined zones
Core Zone (60 %) consists of
- Computer Hardware & Peripheral Units
- Software Development Units
- Middleware Units
- BPO/KPO/ Consulting Units
- ICT/ EDI Units
Non core Zone (40 %) consists of
- Capacity Building ( IT Enablement Trainings )
- Data Processing
- Infrastructural Support like Power Generations, Voice & Data Communication, Water & Sewage Management, E-waste Management
- Health Care, Recreation and allied infrastructure
- Commercial and residential facilities