- Promoting UP as an attractive investment destination for IT/ITeS companies by providing congenial, industry friendly and proactive climate.
- Promote prominent cities/towns in the State as emerging Tier-II and Tier III IT destinations and providing assistance in setting up state of the art infrastructure like IT city, IT Parks etc in the state.
- To develop these investment nodes in UP as Intelligent and Smart Cities and creating a portfolio of IT enabled services (public and private) which will make the investment region an intelligent and smart region.
- To create world class ICT infrastructure as a platform to provide seamless connectivity for businesses and users, easy to use public and private services in a vibrant ecosystem consisting of ICT operators, Service Providers, Government, Regulators and end users.
- Enhancing the quality of talent pool and creation of additional employment opportunities, development of skilled IT manpower in the state for all sections of the society, across all regions, and to leverage IT as a tool for the socio-economic development of the State.
- Augmentation of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Uttar Pradesh.